Executive Team

  • R. Thornburgh - President

    Mr. Thornburgh possesses over 20 years of corporate information systems and management experience. Focused on ROI, Risk Management, and System Optimization.

  • Q. Chen - COO and Vicepresident

    Mr. Chen possesses high-level operational finance experience with finely tuned skills in forward-looking strategies, modeling, leadership, and more.

  • L. Hsu - SVP of Franchisors Support Division

    Ms. Hsu possesses expertise in project management, sales, marketing and significant language skills for the asian market.

  • C. Gorit - Data and Social Media Analyst

    Ms. Gorit is specialized in extracting insights from social media data to inform strategic decisions. Proficient in statistical analysis.

  • M. Mukarram - Head of IT Deparment

    Mr. Mukarram has been in IT business for more than 15 years and has developed with the team few thousands website as well as hundreds of Mobile Apps and Custom Made Software.

  • A. Rangel - CCO

    Ms. Rangel specializes in international business, with previous experience in business administration and significant bilingual skills for the Latin market, she oversees the company’s communications.